Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Was Blind but Now I See

So...it's been way too long, but I make no apologies. I'm sure I was busy with some really important stuff...
After graduation, I ended up having the BEST 5 WEEKS (and 6 days) OF MY LIFE! No one can convince me other wise. God is so faithful, and I thought I knew that before May 21st, but I was sadly mistaken. I really thought I was kind of figuring this thing out, but God took the blinders off of my eyes and led me to a place where His love and His power could not be denied! His Word says that "Every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that He is Lord." And I literally saw it with my own eyes. Even those who wanted to deny His majesty; they failed miserably. His presence was so overwhelming and overpowering. It was like every activity you participated in, every place you went, He was just chillin right there next to you. I mean, that's where He was all along, but again, the blinders were all the way off.

I could look to my left and see the Gospel of our Savior being offered to the hungry heart of broken teenager, who sadly had never experienced the feeling of true love before. I could look to my right and witness tears of joy from a 16 year old girl who made a free throw for the first time in her life because a counselor relentlessly fought that young girl's doubt and fear of failure with the Living Word--and that 16 year old girl actively practicing her own faith by believing that Word as truth and taking the shot.

I was reminded over and over again by the Holy Spirit that what I was seeing every single day was not abnormal, but that it was what the world should look like. He showed me that all of this is in His plan. Basically, I was only to be shocked by it briefly, but then I needed change my way of thinking. This is what is to be expected. He says that we, as a people, have lowered the standard, and have lowered our expectations of ourselves as believers and disciples of Christ. We should expect to hear a 20-something college kid telling a 17 year old high school kid of his/her testimony; sharing about how serving the Lord at a young age is not boring or burdensome, but of how it is the best decision one could ever make. Someone should be telling our youth that "there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" (Rom. 8:1). Our youth need to hear the Truth from people who know the Truth. How can we sit back and watch them trip over the same stone we just tripped over, and not say anything to prevent them from stumbling? How dare we allow them to die right before our eyes? How can we as believers expect them to love themselves and each other if they have not yet known the love of Jesus?

I left on a slight tangent, but God is saying that we ought to expect more of ourselves, within the Body of Christ.

Getting back to it...the best part of all this is that the presence of God isn't just at that place in Golden, MO. It's everywhere! We just have to get those blinders off!


  1. Girl.. you need another check box... like 'Dzeep','revelational' or 'mmm awkward'..lol! Love it though!
