Friday, December 3, 2010

Reality Check

Lord, teach us (especially women) to know who we are in You. You would NEVER call us ugly, stupid, worthless, useless, or any other -less. Thus if it's not from You, then it's a lie, and we know where lies come from. Help us to recognize this and recognize You, when we look into the mirror and experience the reflection of today. In Your matchless Name, Amen.

I am in the process of getting to know myself. Not the self I was used to being, but the self God intended for me to be. It takes a measure of faith to even get to this point. Everyday God is revealing a piece of the woman he designed so intricately to resemble Him. Everyday He shows me me, and it only drops my heart into a deeper love with Him.

So STOP! You are NOT ugly. That is ridiculous. You are NOT stupid. That is ludicrous. You are NOT worthless. That is a lie. You are NOT useless. That is impossible. Know God and you will know YOU. You matter to Him, and you matter to me.

In reality, you're BEAUTIFUL and He loves every second of it.

Monday, August 16, 2010

I am Judgmental

So. God told me I was judgmental. He said I judge others, and I do it way too much. Well, actually, once is too much, but the point is that I do it. Of course, I didn't want to hear that. So, I thought about it, and God showed me that I struggle with distinguishing between discernment and judgement.

Now, I found this definition of the word "discernment:" The power or faculty of the mind by which it distinguishes one thing from another; power of viewing differences in objects, and their relations and tendencies.

The word is often used when people have tough decisions to make, and they want to be sure to make the appropriate one--or the one approved by God. I say this to say that lately, I have been learning of people who have been teaching the bible and the Bible.

These people have churches and books and degrees and whatever else they think makes them qualified to preach to others. These are the ones who either don't even use Scripture when they "preach," or they take it all out of context and "teach" something that's not even close to being Biblical. So, being that this is an epidemic that started way back in the gospel of Matthew and is still spreading like wild fire today, I have really been keeping my ears and eyes open and using discernment. When I hear a sermon, I must read the Word for myself and make sure it's in there. Even if they mention where it is in the Bible, I still have to see it with my own eyes, and read the verses around it.

Now, because I have been learning these truths about what many popular pastors, bishops, and ministers have been spreading all over the world, I am very cautious of who I listen to, agree with, support, etc. This is great, however, God is showing me that I have been quite judgmental toward these ministers and those who follow them and lean on their every word.

How dare they preach their own gospels, lying to God's people?! And these people! How could they be so blind? Don't they ever pick up a Bible and read it for themselves?!

These comments lead to these thoughts:
Fake Christians. They don't even read the Bible. They do all that shouting and praising and don't even know what it's really about! How dare they lie on my Father?! They do all that stuff and all the while on their way to Hell.

Yea, it's a bit much. And I said it in my heart. Sometimes with my mouth. Who am I? A modern day Pharisee is what I am. I was once lost myself, and I still am if I think I have the authority to put someone in Hell. Ridiculous ain't it? And please don't forget, I'm talking about one else. I said these things. When all Jesus asked me to do was pray for them, and make sure I am discerning the Truth from the lie. And once I know the Truth, tell it..having compassion.

I can't believe myself sometimes. But hey, that's what happens when I haven't been on my knees..I have too much time to look at everyone else.

Thank you, Lord, for bringing this to my attention. Forgive me for condemning your children. Thank you for Your forgiveness. Teach me...continuously.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

What's in Your Diet?

"I won't be before you long..." You hear that a lot, especially at church. Ha. But really, I won't.

I'm learning that often times, we as people despise the Word of God. "People" includes church folk. I use the word despise, and while it is harsh, it's accurate. You cannot despise something you've never experienced. It's kind of like how kids despise vegetables. Candy tastes better, but we know that it's bad for us.

Same as the Word of God. It's not always fun to chew up and swallow. We'd rather eat the good stuff: blessings, prosperity, eternal life, etc. We want to spit out what is good for us: love thy neighbor, "judge not, lest ye be judged," "it's better to give than to receive."

Candy tastes good, but it has costly side effects: cavities, loss of teeth, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc., etc. Don't forget that it's man made. Now vegetables, God created them, in all their green glory. Their purpose is to help us grow, fight sickness, strengthen us, and they can even make our skin glow :) Sometimes, though, veggies don't always taste the best. We like to add stuff to them. Stuff like cheese, dipping sauces, sprinkle some seasonings on them. We try to make the experience easier to digest. We want it to go down a little easier.

We do the same thing to the Word. We add too it (or take away from it) to make it taste better. We start trying to "fix up" and "dress up" what God has for us, so it won't convict as strongly or difficult to swallow. Even though God knows what He is doing. He feeds us what we need so we can grow, be strengthened, fight. And while we are going through, He'll have our skin glowing and face smiling because we know that our Father fed us what we needed.

We tell Him we love Him, yet we reject Him. How can we love someone we don't know? How can we know if we don't learn about Him? How can we learn about Him if not through His Word?

What's in your diet?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

His Royal Highness

Everyone wants to be the king of something. We want to be the best. We want all the attention. We want fame. We want celebrity. If we can't get it ourselves, we want to be closest to whomever has it. We want to know it; be right next to it. If we can't be Beyonce, we want some connection to her. "I used to live on the same street as her second cousin's step sister's niece." "Well, I go to church with her first grade dance teacher's grandson's landlord." "Well, this one time....." We all want to gain from someone else's fame, someone else's worth.

You think I am, but I'm not judging though. I do it too. Let me give you a little background on the Famous One who I know:
Like I said, everyone thinks they're the king, but I know the King of all kings (Rev. 19:16, 1Tim. 6:15). If you want to meet Him, I can introduce you (John 3:16; Rom. 6:23; Rom. 10:9). He makes appearances all the time! Actually, He's always around. You can't see Him? No, He doesn't use a disguise, it's just that many don't see Him because they've forgotten what He looks like because they haven't spent time with Him in a while. Others just refuse to acknowledge his presence, nevertheless, He's here. He's real cool too. Real approachable dude, unlike most celebrities. Even though He has the whole universe in the palm of His hand, He doesn't mind chillin with the common folk. You know, the people that most don't have time for, He's never too busy. He has a special place in His heart for those who are rejected because He, Himself, was rejected, made fun of, insulted, hated, name it. He still loves everybody though. He's a real "down-to-earth" guy.

You think Michael Jackson was the hardest working? My King NEVER sleeps (Psalm 121:3). You think Michael Jackson was generous? Yeah, he gave money, time, even donated blood. But when was the last time MJ gave his life to save your soul (Matt. 20:28)? You think Bill Gates is wealthy? How about Oprah? My King is the source...of ALL of it! (Psalm 50:10; 2Cor. 8:9).
Most importantly, He's a family guy. He loves His death. You want a role model? A famous person to look up to? One who won't end up killing his girlfriend, cheating on his wife, getting a DUI, or overdosing? He's the One. Won't ever let you down. Never disappoint.
Get like Him (
Eph. 5:1).

No, I'm not His third cousin removed, from a great great uncle by marriage. No, I'm not His half brother's stepniece, whose father was adopted by a great great great grandmother, whose cousin on His mother's side.....He's my Daddy! I'm an heir to the Throne!

You already know His name. Recognize His Royal Highness.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Was Blind but Now I See's been way too long, but I make no apologies. I'm sure I was busy with some really important stuff...
After graduation, I ended up having the BEST 5 WEEKS (and 6 days) OF MY LIFE! No one can convince me other wise. God is so faithful, and I thought I knew that before May 21st, but I was sadly mistaken. I really thought I was kind of figuring this thing out, but God took the blinders off of my eyes and led me to a place where His love and His power could not be denied! His Word says that "Every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that He is Lord." And I literally saw it with my own eyes. Even those who wanted to deny His majesty; they failed miserably. His presence was so overwhelming and overpowering. It was like every activity you participated in, every place you went, He was just chillin right there next to you. I mean, that's where He was all along, but again, the blinders were all the way off.

I could look to my left and see the Gospel of our Savior being offered to the hungry heart of broken teenager, who sadly had never experienced the feeling of true love before. I could look to my right and witness tears of joy from a 16 year old girl who made a free throw for the first time in her life because a counselor relentlessly fought that young girl's doubt and fear of failure with the Living Word--and that 16 year old girl actively practicing her own faith by believing that Word as truth and taking the shot.

I was reminded over and over again by the Holy Spirit that what I was seeing every single day was not abnormal, but that it was what the world should look like. He showed me that all of this is in His plan. Basically, I was only to be shocked by it briefly, but then I needed change my way of thinking. This is what is to be expected. He says that we, as a people, have lowered the standard, and have lowered our expectations of ourselves as believers and disciples of Christ. We should expect to hear a 20-something college kid telling a 17 year old high school kid of his/her testimony; sharing about how serving the Lord at a young age is not boring or burdensome, but of how it is the best decision one could ever make. Someone should be telling our youth that "there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" (Rom. 8:1). Our youth need to hear the Truth from people who know the Truth. How can we sit back and watch them trip over the same stone we just tripped over, and not say anything to prevent them from stumbling? How dare we allow them to die right before our eyes? How can we as believers expect them to love themselves and each other if they have not yet known the love of Jesus?

I left on a slight tangent, but God is saying that we ought to expect more of ourselves, within the Body of Christ.

Getting back to it...the best part of all this is that the presence of God isn't just at that place in Golden, MO. It's everywhere! We just have to get those blinders off!

Monday, January 12, 2009


For a while, I've been kind of chill about my relationship with God. I've never been one to talk much about it, that is, with people who may be unbelievers. It's mostly because I think that professed Christians tend to have a bad rep, especially in the college setting. College is a very social space and I guess I've always been one to try to show the world that it is possible to serve the Lord and still be able to live life and have fun doing it. Some people are immediately turned off when they learn that someone is a Christian. They feel like they can't be themselves, or they feel like that person will try to force their beliefs on them. I've always tried to combat that by being chill, and then later telling people more about myself and how I love God. I just want them to be comfortable and able to be themselves. But I have learned that I don't have to shield my relationship with God, who is the best friend anyone on this earth could ever dream of. Unbelievers should feel uncomfortable when certain things are done or said. I'm still the same person regardless. I can't save them anyway. I can only love them unconditionally (as hard as it is) because somebody loved on me (and still is) until I got my act together. God's gonna do what it do and handle His. You never know, someone may be looking for a light in the midst of all the darkness, but since I'm trying to blend in, they can't find me. So you know, my prayer is that everyday, my light gets brighter and brighter, and that God handles His business anyway He wants. I just want to be available.

Photo Credit: Sydnee Mela

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

First Blog

So this is my first blog ever. I have seen others' blogs, and have considered doing one for a long time, but didn't think I had much to say. Well, I think I've figured out that my blog can be anything I want it to be.

That being said, this is going to be a fun website, that may or may not be filled with personal things, but it will be honest, respectful, fun, new, interesting, and most importantly, it will be ALL ME. However, it must be understood that ME = God, my family, my friends, and my world. I am totally open to any comments, questions, opinions, suggestions, etc. about topics to write about, pictures to post, questions to ask, etc. So have fun with me! I hope you enjoy. Like you all.